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  • 篮球比赛中的犯规规则详解:裁判员如何判定犯规及基本原则



    篮球规则和法规(犯规规则的部分部分)说明1。犯规规则和规定规则和规则规则和规定规则和法规规则和法规规定犯规规则和法规规定:1。在篮球比赛中,有10名玩家在有限的空间中快速移动并迅速移动,并且不可避免的身体接触是不可避免的。内部,身体接触是不可避免的。 2。违反规则的是违反规则,该规则包含非法接触或与对手的团队成员接触或违反体育道德。 2。裁判确定违法行为是否是违法行为。确定了规则和规则的精神和意图。确定了规则和规则的精神和意图。规则和法规的精神和意图用于实施“利益与利益/无利润或没有利润”的概念的一致性;裁判概念的一致性;裁判不应试图通过不必要的无需打断游戏流程来惩罚与附带的皮带的身体接触,也不要对对手的团队成员有害。不利。在每个游戏中,您都应该记住玩家的能力及其能力,他们的态度,行为和行为。保持竞争的控制和平稳流之间保持平衡的一致性;保持平衡一致性;对于正在思考,他们的想法,被验证和验证的参与者来说,拥有正确的“感觉”。

    3。犯规规则的概念和类型是违反规则和规则的行为,其中包含与另一方的身体接触,与另一方的身体接触以及违反运动道德的运动道德和行为的身体接触,包括:包括:侵犯侵犯侵犯侵犯侵犯这种侵犯的侵犯的侵犯的侵犯的侵犯的侵犯的侵犯的侵犯的侵犯的侵犯,包括:包括:包括:侵犯侵权侵权侵权的侵权的侵犯侵权侵权侵权侵犯侵权的侵权侵犯侵权的侵犯侵权的侵犯侵权的人侵犯侵权的人侵犯侵权的人侵犯侵权的侵权 of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the infringement of the ) Violation of sports morality violations against sports morality foul rules cancellation of competition qualification foul rules 4. The judgment of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of infringement of侵犯侵犯侵犯侵犯人物原则的侵权的侵犯侵犯侵犯侵犯的侵犯的侵犯侵犯侵犯人物的原则是猛烈袭击空气。球员捍卫防守,不控制球。玩家保护球员。 5。定义入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵的入侵的入侵的定义入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵的入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵的入侵的入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵的入侵的入侵的入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵的入侵的入侵入侵入侵入侵的入侵的入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵的入侵的入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵的入侵,否 of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵入侵侵犯侵害武器的武器,手臂,肘部,肩膀,臀部,腿,腿,膝盖或脚,以及对手团队成员的姿势,并没有将身体弯曲成腿,膝盖或脚,以及他的身体上的姿势(超越他的姿势)(超越他的姿势)(超越他的姿势)(超越了他的姿势,都会遍及过来,遍及他的姿势,遍及他的姿势,遍及他的姿势,这是众所周知的,这是众所周知的,这是一定的,这是他的姿势,遍及他的姿势,这是他的姿势(遍及他的姿势)颠簸,撞,跌跌撞撞,障碍物,块,街区,块,块,块,块,块,块,块,块,块,块,块,块,块,块,并阻止对手的团队成员;也不允许;也不允许任何粗暴或暴力的运动,任何粗糙或暴力运动。

    做。 6。判断是否违反入侵人的规则的基本原则:圆形圆柱体的原始圆柱原理!定义:站在地面上:站在地面上的团队成员在虚构的圆柱体中占据了一个虚构的空间!正面是手掌前的手掌!背面是臀部和臀部的背面!侧面是手臂的外侧,腿部是手臂和腿部的外侧!手和手臂可以在躯干中伸展,手和手臂可以在躯干的前面伸展,肘部的手臂不会被弯曲以外的手臂和腿部。放。 7.垂直的原始垂直原理,在篮球场上,团队的每个成员都有权利在任何尚未被对手占领的政党上占据任何位置(上位置(圆形缸)柱)。这项原始原则保护团队成员免受球员和球员所占据的空间上方的地面空间的影响职位负责此联系。防守后卫球员应垂直离开地面(在他的圆形圆柱体上(在他的圆形圆柱体中),或在他自己的圆形圆柱体上方和上方伸出两只手和手臂,则不得对其进行判断。

    无论是在地面上还是在空中,进攻球员都不得使用以下方法,也不使用以下方法与法律防御阵地的防守者联系,以使与辩护人在法律防御阵地中与辩护人联系,以使用其手臂为自己创造额外的空间。当在篮子里或射击后射击时,伸展脚或手臂以创建接触。伸展脚或手臂以建立接触。 8.法律防御地位法律防守位置%一名防守球员确立了最初的法律防御地位,并确定了最初的法律防御地位,当时:%他正面面对他的对手,他的手和%的脚在地面上。他的脚在地上。百分比的法律防御位置从地面到天花板从地面延伸到天花板,从地面到天花板(圆圆柱体),他可以在圆柱体上伸展),他可以用手臂或手臂或手臂或双臂或两只手在头上或垂直方向上抬起手臂或双手。或垂直跳跃。 9。对各种入侵的各种入侵的具体解释的具体解释,解释了各种入侵的规则解释的解释,解释了阻塞,阻塞,击球,击球,击球,拉力,拉力,拉力,非法推动,非法推动,非法捍卫,非法捍卫,非法捍卫,非法捍卫,10。挡住,阻止,阻止球员,阻止球员,阻止球,阻止球,阻止,阻止球,阻止,阻止球,阻止球,阻止,阻止球,阻止,阻止球,阻止,阻止球,阻止,阻止球,阻止球,阻塞,阻塞或阻塞,犯规。 11.击中该人的人是犯规,推动,移动或移动与对手的团队成员的身体接触,将球握在躯干上,球上的球,或躯干上的球,或躯干上的球,或者在躯干上的球。

    身体接触。这样,这种接触(拉)可以触摸(拉)并导致它发生在身体的任何部位。身体的任何部位。 13.非法使用双手犯规的犯规。非法使用手。非法使用手。非法使用手。非法使用手。防守队成员处于防守状态。而且,将手放在球上,或将球放在对手的球队成员上,将球握在对手的球队成员上,将球握在对手的球队成员上,或者将球保持在接触状态,并保持身体接触以防止他们向前移动。 14.15。犯规的人是个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人,一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人,一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人,一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人,一个犯规的人是个犯规的人是个犯规的人是个犯规的人是个犯规的人是犯规的人,犯规是犯规的犯规,犯规是犯规的犯规,是犯规的犯规,犯规是犯规一个人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人,一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人,一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人,一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人,一个犯规的人是一个犯规的推动的人是一个犯规的人是一个犯规的人,一个犯规的人是一个犯规的推动者,是一个犯规的人是身体上的接触。 16.背后的非法防守背后的非法防守背后是对手球员和对手球员背后之间的身体接触。身体接触。防守后卫球员试图抓住球的事实是有道理的,不,证明与对手的团队成员从后面接触是合理的。这是合理的。 17.在任何情况下应受到侵犯人士的惩罚。罪犯应在任何情况下进行注册。犯罪者是违反违反违反违反球员的行为的侵犯行为的行为,该行为没有投篮或篮球。该团队将受到非福尔团队的惩罚。团队将球扔在犯罪者犯罪者罪犯的罪犯的罪犯犯罪者犯罪者犯罪者犯罪者犯罪者犯罪者罪犯罪名犯罪者罪犯的罪犯罪名犯罪者的罪犯罪名犯罪者罪犯的罪犯罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者的罪犯的罪犯罪犯罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者的罪犯的罪犯的罪犯的罪犯罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者的罪犯的罪犯犯罪者的罪犯犯罪者罪名犯罪者的犯罪者犯罪者的罪犯犯罪罪犯的罪犯的罪犯的罪犯是犯罪者的罪犯罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪犯罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者的罪犯的罪犯,犯罪者的罪犯是罪名犯罪者的罪名犯罪者犯罪者的罪犯的罪犯的罪犯是罪犯的罪犯犯罪者罪名犯罪者犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者罪名犯罪者的罪犯的罪犯的罪犯的罪犯的罪犯罪犯的罪犯的罪犯犯罪罪犯的罪犯的罪犯犯罪者的罪行罪犯的罪行罪犯的罪行罪犯的罪犯犯罪者的罪犯犯罪者的罪犯罪犯的罪犯罪犯的罪行罪名是两次犯罪者,犯规是两次犯规。团队团队是一场犯规,并不是犯规,这不是犯规,这不是犯规,这不是一个并不是犯规的不是犯规的犯规,这不是犯规,这不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规,那不是犯规,那不是一个犯规,那不是犯规,那不是一个犯规,那不是一个犯规。并非并不是犯规并不是犯规并不是犯规的犯规并不是犯规的犯规,这不是犯规,这不是犯规,这不是犯规,这不是犯规,这不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规并不是犯规并不是犯规并不是犯规并不是犯规并不是犯规并不是犯规的,那不是犯规,这不是一个犯规,那不是犯规,这不是一个犯规。这不是犯规,这不是犯规,不是犯规,这不是犯规,这不是犯规,不是犯规,这不是犯规,这不是犯规,这不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规,不是犯规,那不是犯规,那不是犯规,那不是犯规,这不是犯规。

    出站球。 18。防守控制球防守控制球球员在防守控制(保持或运输)球员时,当防守控制(持有或运输)球球员,时间和距离因素不适用,距离因素不适用。当防守拿下球时,防守在拿下球的球员面前占据了最初的法律防御地位。当防守球拿下球时,必须持球的球员必须得到防守,并且必须准备停止或改变停止或改变他的方向。他的方向。 19.防守一旦确立了最法律的防御地位,他最初就可以进行法律防御地位,他可以移动以捍卫对手,但他不能伸展双手,但他不能伸展手臂,肩膀,手臂,肩膀,肩膀,臀部或腿部或腿部,并通过腿部,并通过腿部,并通过腿部进行接触,以防止他的接触以防止在他的侧面穿过Dribbly从他的侧面穿过。 20.确定阻止和击打人的最初原则 +防守防守球员必须通过面对持球的球员并将脚放在地面上建立并放在地面上以建立法律防守位置来建立最初的法律防守位置。建立最初的法律防御立场。 +防守球员是球员,以保持法律防御地位,并可以保持法律防御地位,可以在固定,固定,垂直跳,垂直跳,侧面或后背移动处保持法律防御地位。 +在保持最初的法律防御阵地,同时保持最初的法律防守位置,只要运动是侧面或向后或向后或向后或向后或向后或向后或向后,而不是朝着球保持,就可以立即立即离开地面。

    +接触必须接触头发,必须在躯干上出生的躯干上发生,在这种情况下,在这种情况下,后卫球员被认为已经是一开始已经是。在位置。 +以法律防御地位的防守位置建立的防守球员建立了法律防守位置的球员可以在他的圆柱体中转过身,并将其身体放置,以便慢慢吸收任何撞击或避免任何撞击或避免受伤。 21.球员从球场的某个点从球跳下。球员从空中的某个点跳下来,有权倒退并倒退到同一地点,或者没有返回同一地点或没有被另一个被占领的地方占领。地方。与对手的团队成员跳入空中后,团队成员不得不走向他的道路。在他的道路上。移至Tengtengkong团队成员的底面,并引起联系,通常是违反体育道德的行为,并提出反体育道德犯规规则。在某些情况下,可能会被取消或取消。 22。这违反了空缺球员23的犯规。防守没有控制球。防守不能控制球。玩家。当防线无法控制球时,时间,距离和距离的因素是适用的。防御。防守者球员不得如此近且速度如此之快,以在移动对手的路径中占据位置,并且在移动对手的路径中占据位置如此之快,以至于后者没有足够的时间或距离来停止或改变方向。

    方向。此距离与对手团队成员的速度成正比,并且不得小于正常的1步,不超过正常步骤,不超过正常的2步。步。一旦防守者建立了最初的法律辩护,就不允许他捍卫该职位,并且不允许他在他的道路上伸出双臂,肩膀,臀部或腿,以与对手的对手的道路联系,以防止对手通过他穿过他。他可以在生活中与他联系。他可以在圆柱体上转身,或将手或手臂放在身体前,将手臂放在他的面前,靠近身体,以免靠近身体以避免受伤。 24。覆盖和保护法律保险。法律掩护是在团队成员掩盖对手的手的时候,不断接触和接触,并且球员总是(在他的圆形圆柱体)圆柱体中静止不动,接触,接触和接触。将脚放在地上。非法掩护是在保护对手手的团队成员有联系并移动的时候。当团队成员仍处于对手手的静态视野中时,他们还不够且距离足够。当团队仍处于静态视野中时,他们就不够且距离足够。当团队不处于静态状态时,他们不会考虑时间和距离因素。和距离因子。 25。双方之间的犯规规则的概念都提交了双方。双方犯规规则的概念。双方的犯规规则的概念对双方都规定了犯规规则,是双方是双方。团队成员同时在相反的团队中。在相反团队中的团队成员同时彼此联系。团队成员应为每个犯规规则注册每个犯规规则。如果他们没有被判断,他们将不会被判处罚款。

    球。如果投篮篮有效并同时得分,则得分应由得分球队得分。球队应该从末端掷球。如果一支球队控制了球或控制了球或有权拿到球,则球队将把球扔在最近的违规位置最近的地方。球。如果没有球队控制球,则没有球控制球,根据指示器指向的方向,将球根据球右指示器指向的方向将球扔到边界。 27.违反运动道德犯规的概念,确定违反反体育道德犯规的原理,28。罚款规则:犯规球员的规则被注册并违反了运动道德,违反了运动道德和犯规规则,以判定对手的球队罚球,然后在中场获得球。判断罚球规则是给对手的球队罚球,然后在中场球的球权利和力量。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。罚款规则是犯规的。这

    球。 29.确定违反运动道德的原则是否正常。是否正常。篮球球运动是否反对对手。是否很难抓住球。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。这一侧被打击。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。它是否从球上触摸。是否没有从球中碰到。是否没有从球中碰到。新精神:快速进攻的新精神:快速攻击的新精神。 There is no defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive defensive def 30. Cancel the qualification for the competition. The concept and concept of the foul rules and regulations of the foul rules and regulations of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules of the foul rules犯规规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则是犯规规则的犯规规则的规则的犯规规则的规则的犯规规则的规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则规则犯规规则规则规则规则规则的犯规规则规则规则规则的规则规则规则的规则规则规则的规则规则规则规则的犯规规则规则规则的规则规则规则的规则规则的规则规则的犯规规则规则的规则规则的规则规则的犯规规则规则的规则规则是犯规规则规则的规则规则犯规规则规则规则的规则犯规规则规则的规则犯规规则规则的规则犯规规则规则犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则是犯规规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则,规则是犯规规则规则的犯规规则规则的规则犯规规则的规则,罚款规则:违反犯规规则的人将注册并取消比赛资格。犯规规则将被命令去球队的休息室,并在比赛期间呆在那里。他可以呆在那里。他可以选择离开体育馆离开体育馆,以判断对手的罚球,随后的命中以及随后的中场球权利。罚款踢的次数。球的数量与违反运动道德和反运动道德犯规规则相同。

    32。教练被剥夺了比赛的资格,因为他本人因违反运动道德的行为而被登记,并以反运动道德的身份登记,并被注册2次侵犯技术和技术违规行为(“ C”)(“ C”),因为任命助理教练被任命为助理教练,替代人,替代者,替代者或替代者,替代团队成员,或者违反了体育运动,并违反了体育运动,并违反了体育运动,并违反了体育运动,''或)或3次小组组合,从一次到注册,从一次到教练教练本人(自我(“ C”)33。球员对球员对团队成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员成员的判断和惩罚状况在团队成员的团队成员的团队成员上,团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的成员的团队成员的团队成员的成员的团队成员的成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员成员的团队成员成员的团队成员成员成员的团队成员成员的团队成员成员的成员成员的团队成员成员成员的成员成员的成员成员的成员成员的成员成员的成员成员的成员成员的成员成员的成员成员成员的成员成员,则该团队成员成员的成员成员的成员成员,这是团队成员的成员团队成员的团队成员团队成员团队成员的团队成员团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的成员的团队成员的成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员的团队成员成员的团队成员成员的团队成员成员成员的团队成员成员的成员成员的成员成员成员的成员成员的成员成员成员成员的成员成员成员的成员成员成员成员的成员成员成员成员成员成员成员,这是团队成员的成员成员, on the team members on the team members on the team members on the team members on the team members on the team members on the team members on the team members on the team members on the 34. The technical foul on the field does not include contact with the team members who do not include contact with the team members who are in the opposite side of the team members. The penalty rules are: Register once, technical foul on the other side of the team members and the penalty rules are to be judged twice and twice, and then the ball in the midfield, and then the ball rights of the ball in the midfield. 35. The situation of the technical foul on the field is to be judged as a team member. The referee does not care about the warning or use the following tricks: No: Be politely and politely negotiate with the coach, technical technician representative, representative, record recorder, or the right to the team members or contact them.

    Use language and manners that are likely to offend or incite to use the language and manners of the audience that are likely to offend or incite to watch.结尾。 Teasing the opponent's team members or shaking their hands near the eyes or near the eyes to prevent their hands from starting and hindering their vision. After the verdict was pronounced, after the referee asked him to raise his hand, he raised his hand improperly after the referee asked him to raise his hand. Take his hand. Change his team number number, no report recorder recorder and referee and referee leave the venue for any reason not to leave the approval for any unauthorized reasons.土地。 Hanging on the hoist on the hoop, causing the weight of the team members to be supported by the hoop. Circle support. Fake falls and falls to deceive the referee to the referee's penalty, and swing the elbow too much.弯头。 36. The trainer trainer, assistant coach, assistant coach, assistant coach, substitute, substitute, substitute, or substitute, or team member shall not rudely speak or contact the referee, technical, technical representative, representative, record record, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member, or team member. or contact. Penalty rules: To register, coaches and trainers are taught once and technically, and the rules are judged to give the opponent's team members two and two free throws and subsequent balls and subsequent ball rights. During the free throw, all other players must be located behind the extended part and part of the free throw line and the 3-point line, until the free throw is completed.

    After the captain and captain designate the designated free throw player, after the penalty kick is not available, no matter whether the ball is entered, the penalty kick will be thrown by any player of any player on the sideline of the opposite side at the midpoint of the sideline of the opposite side.球。 The throwing ball player player stands on the middle and two feet on the long line of the center line, and can pass the ball to the players anywhere and anywhere. 37. During the game break, technical foul is 20 minutes before the start of the game, any two, any two, any two, half time intervals, and all the time intervals and all the time intervals before the decisive period before the winning period. Penalty rules: If the qualified member is judged to be judged to be fouled in the technical and technical foul rules, the member will register the member, and the penalty will be foul rules for the entire team. If the coach trainer trainer assistant trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer train Among them. The free throw is completed, except for the free throw player, all the free throw players are located in the free throw line, long line, and 3-point shooting line, and the free throw is completed after the free throw line, and the game must start or start again in the middle circle.

    To start or start over in the middle circle. 38. The judgment of the entire team for foul rules is carried out one by one. As the result of the registration of any member of the certain team, the intrusion of the intrusion of any member of the team or the technical or technical violation of the intrusion of the intrusion of any member of the team, the team is in a state of being punished by the entire team for foul rules. All fouls in all teams that occur during any game break during any game break should be considered as part of the subsequent decision or final victory period. part of the period. All fouls in all teams that occur during any period of any final victory shall be considered as part of the fourth section. part of. Penalty rules: When a certain team is in the state where the entire team is in the state where the entire team is in the state where the penalty is in the state where the entire team is in the state where the penalty is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is in the state where the invader is ball. Ruruo Control Live Balls and Control Live Teams. The members of the team may have the right to throw the ball into the boundary. The team members may commit the infringement of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who violates the rules of the person who ball. 39. Special circumstances of special circumstances: Handling: When a special case is committed together or a violation of the same order, the same stop after the same order is violated or the same order is violated, the same stop is caused by another or more fouls, and special circumstances may occur.

    Special circumstances. 40. Handling procedure: Handling procedure: All foul rules should be registered and all foul rules should be distinguished and all penalties should be distinguished. All offenders should be determined in the order in which all fouls are issued. order of birth. All equal penalty penalties and all equal penalty penalties for both sides and all penalty penalties for both sides shall be offset. Once offset, once offset, it is considered that it has never happened. The right to own the ball as a part of the final penalty for execution shall be cancelled any previous cancellation of any previous ball.利润。 In the first or in the first or only once, or in the ball, or in the throwing ball into the boundary, once the ball has become a live ball, then the penalty cannot be used to offset another penalty, or it cannot be used to offset another penalty. All the remaining penalties and penalties shall be executed in the order in which they are sentenced.好的。 If both sides offset the balls and the teams of both sides offset the equal penalty, then the penalty will be executed according to the penalty rules of both sides' foul rules. 41. Examples of battle: 1. Team A was awarded two free throws, and before the referee submitted the ball, A4 was awarded a technical foul on B4, how to start the game. 2. A4 shot and the signal sounded 24 seconds when the ball was in the air. After the signal sounded, B4 fouled the violation when A4 was still in the air. Then: (1) The ball did not touch the circle (2) The ball touched the circle but did not enter the basket (3) made a shot.

    如何处理? 42. Cocoa corrects the wrong mistakes J. If a rule rule is unintentionally ignored and only leads to the following situations, the referee and the referee can correct the wrong mistakes. J judges to give the penalty kick that is not worthy of the penalty kick. J allows the player who is not worthy of the penalty kick to execute the penalty kick.球。 J did not give the free throw he deserved.球。 J referees and referees incorrectly award points or cancel score points. Score or cancel score. 43. The time K of Coco Correction of correcting the wrong and errors. To correct the wrong and errors mentioned above, it must be found by the referee or the referee or the referee or the referee's attention after the error is turned on.注意。 K-shots made a loss of life error All the loss of life error occurred during a dead ball period. K balls are alive and live balls are wrong and mistakes Coco corrects corrects K balls are alive and live balls are turned on or continues to run. Running errors Coco corrects K balls are alive and live balls are no longer corrects.只是。 K finds that one can correct the wrong mistakes and errors that can be corrected together, referees and referees can immediately stop the competition and the match can be stopped immediately, as long as no one or no players are put to disadvantage.

    Put it at a disadvantage. K Before the recognition of the error, any score that has occurred, any score that has been generated, time and time of use and additional rows and additional behaviors may not be cancelled before the failure.取消。 44. Four situations can be corrected: awarding undeserved free throws without awarding deserved free throws. Incorrectly awarding scores and canceling the score allows players who should not be free throws to execute free throws 45. Example: A6 gets two free throws. A5, however, executed two free throws, one of them was made. When A4 grabbed the rebound, the referee discovered the mistake. The referee awarded the free throw result of A5, and the game started by Team B on the out-of-bounds throw-in line on the extension line of the free throw line of the player's free throw. 46.47.


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